Northern Virginia roofing company Roof Masters is offering a special online coupon of up to $500 off a new roof for a limited time offer! This special promo is accessible to the residents of Montgomery, and Prince George’s Counties in Maryland to Fairfax, Loudoun and Prince William Counties in Virginia, the District of Columbia, and the nearby areas.
Archives for 2014
Slate is a Great Material for your Home’s Roofing System
Slate roofing is one of the best types for your home as it is one of the most durable kinds. Its classic appeal can surely enhance your house’s overall appearance.
Get a Long Lasting Quality Roofing System for your Home
Choosing the right contractors who uses the right materials can guarantee a long lasting roofing system. That is why if you plan to start a home improvement that involves your roof, make sure to thoroughly research on the top roofers in Maryland. Check if they have certifications from credible manufacturers, if their workforce is factory-trained, and how experienced they are in dealing with roof concerns.
Get Quality and Hassle-Free Service from Roof Masters
When it comes to deciding which contractors to work on your roofing in Rockville MD, you have to choose the ones that don’t only look to sell their products and services because they will only give you average craftsmanship. Choose only who genuinely cares for the clients, the quality of work, and how it affects their customers.
List of How to Conduct a Proper Inspection of your Roof
Washington DC is one of those places that have a complex climate due to its geographical location, which paves way to severe weather systems like frequent thunderstorm and the occasional tornadoes. Blizzards, hurricane, and nor’easters have also been known to affect the area. The effects of these are always visible on the residents’ homes particularly on the roof. Therefore, being prepared is imperative since no one really knows when elements… Continue Reading
Control the Heat in Your Home with Insulated Vinyl Siding
The recent report from had reported an increasing number of incidents where a lot of residents became victims of heat-related incidents: BALTIMORE —Maryland health officials have reported the first heat-related deaths of the summer season. The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene said a woman from Harford County and a man from Baltimore County died in the past week. Both were over the age of 65 and had… Continue Reading
Simple Things to Remember When Hiring a Certified Contractor
Hiring people who do basic property maintenance can practically save us more time and effort, however, this doesn’t assure us that we are getting what we are willing to pay for. In an article released on, a homeowner in Maryland had fallen into the tricky trap of a fly-by-night “contractor”: ROCKVILLE, Md., (WUSA9) — “They poured concrete here, cut the branch off, $2,000,” says Eric Barr. The contractor originally… Continue Reading
Fight Fire with Fire-Resistant Roofing Shingles
Fire accidents can start anywhere in your house. They may start in your living room, kitchen, or roof. As there are an increasing number of fire incidents in Maryland alone, as reported on, homeowners are forewarned, especially this really hot season:
How to Avoid Discomfort Brought By High Humidity?
The beginning of your weekend can get hot and humid based on the report by WUSA9. The forecast included scattered rain showers throughout the day. Downpours will be experienced throughout the week. Therefore, bringing an umbrella will be the best for the fickle weather pattern.
Prioritize Safety When Celebrating Independence Day
The “land of the free and the home of the brave” was born 170 years after Britain’s colonization. We celebrate our freedom and independence every Fourth of July through parades, family gatherings, and parties. We have picnics, barbecues, and watch festival bands. Of course, this holiday will never be complete without fireworks. The capital and its nearby states – Maryland and Virginia – already posted places where you can watch… Continue Reading