Raccoons are known to destroy property while scavenging for food. They slip through fences with their ingenuity and flexibility. One of their favorite access points is the downspouts. They climb these pipes until they reach your gutters, roof and attic, where they will likely build their home if you don’t act quickly.
Archives for August 2022
Patio Door Replacement: Things to Consider
Windows are an integral part of your home. They provide your indoors with the necessary natural lighting and ventilation, and improve your home’s curb appeal. Some patio doors technically count as windows since they operate with a sash and have clear glass panes that function just like a window would.
How Siding Benefits Your Home
Siding is more than just a layer of materials that enhance your home’s curb appeal. It also provides protection against the elements, insulation and other benefits. As a homeowner, knowing the functions of your siding can help in maintaining and improving the exterior of your property.
Why Delaying Roof Replacement Is Not Recommended
Roofs are built to stand up against constant exposure to the elements and provide your home with a high level of protection. However, they can still develop issues and eventually require replacement. Delaying roof replacement puts your home at risk, so make sure to do it as soon as roofers recommend it.