Wear and tear occurs on a standard shingle roof over time – but this is normal and won’t usually need a closer look unless there’s a leak. What you should be wary of is storm damage, which can shorten the life of the system and result in an early roof replacement. But how exactly does a major weather event damage your roof?
How to Ensure You’re Buying a Home With a Good Roof
When you’re in the market for a new home, it’s important to give your prospects a good inspection. Some home components are bigger investments than others so you can’t skip them or take the seller’s word for it. One of those components is the roofing system. It might not seem like an easy thing to do, but inspecting the roof and making sure it’s intact and healthy can save you a lot… Continue Reading
Chimney Storm Damage Signs
Roofers are often busy after a storm. A particularly strong storm can deal enough damage to any type of roofing system to necessitate major repairs and even replacements.
What to Avoid Doing When Renovating Your Home’s Exterior
When planning to remodel your home’s exterior, there are a few things you need to consider, such as finding the right material and who to hire for the job. There are also other things you should avoid doing so you won’t waste your time and money.
What You Need to Consider When Planning Your Siding Project
Siding replacement requires careful planning to ensure that you have all your bases covered. So, knowing how to create this plan is important if you want to keep the project within budget. Here’s what you need to consider:
2 Big Factors That Affect Metal Roofing Costs
Metal roofs can be expensive. And, while you may think you have the budget for it, the price for a metal roof depends on a lot of factors. Yet, the benefits of this roof often outweigh the costs.
Prevent Roof Water Damage With These Useful Tips
Excess moisture on your roof is not a good thing. Sitting water after a rain shower and an ice dam buildup during heavy snows often mean you have issues with your roof. Unless they’re addressed immediately and by professionals, you’re only setting yourself up for more leaks, damage and a very costly repair.
Why Are Skylights a Great Eco-Friendly Option?
In today’s day and age, utility costs are at an all time high, and we’ve been consuming more and more energy and natural resources. In response, numerous homeowners are trying to make the switch to renewable, eco-friendly options to make their homes as energy-efficient and environmentally friendly as possible. They achieve this through proper insulation, maximizing their windows, routine maintenance or eco-friendly roofs. One option that you should never overlook,… Continue Reading
Never Neglect Your Roof: Importance of Maintenance
Different types of roofing systems have different levels of durability and longevity, but all of them would reach the end of their service life sooner if they are neglected. This is why roof maintenance should be part of your homeownership responsibilities.
How Do You Deal With a Roofing Emergency?
Compromised siding and roofing systems can allow water inside the house. This is just one reason you should have your home inspected and immediately repaired after a storm. When your roof experiences damage due to weather extremes, make sure to contact a professional to have it checked as soon as possible.