The current color trends differ only a bit from last year in terms of color combinations and hues. That said, you can try several trends this 2017 if you want your home to stand out from the rest. Roof Masters discusses more.
Black With Light Trim
Black paint color remains a popular aesthetic choice for many homeowners, and this remains true this year. This time, though, the color combo of the year is black with light trim. A black roof with white siding is a classic that never goes out of style, and it’s a good color trend for both traditional and ultra-modern homes. If you’re not sold on black, then any dark color, such as blue, works just as well.
Color Contrasts and Accents
To contrast certain parts of your facade, don’t focus on just the wall and siding. Think of the other set pieces of your exterior, such as the doors and windows. A cool color trend to try this year is making your doors and windows contrast with the rest of your exterior, such as a dark door on a primarily light frontage.
For traditional homes, choose hues of blue when you plan to get door replacement for your home. Blue is a neutral color that complements almost any color scheme and adds a nice contrast to the usual all-white face of your home.
Gray and Dark Gray
Gray hasn’t toppled black as the new “in” color, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an attractive choice! Gray and dark gray color palettes are ideal for contemporary and more modern homes, a more moderate choice compared to the all-white or all-black color scheme popular today. A gray facade with dark gray windows, gutters, and doors is a color combination that’ll improve your curb appeal.
Give us a call at (888) 889-7551 for more information on our services. We offer siding installation throughout Rockville, MD.