When you’re in the market for a new home, it’s important to give your prospects a good inspection. Some home components are bigger investments than others so you can’t skip them or take the seller’s word for it. One of those components is the roofing system. It might not seem like an easy thing to do, but inspecting the roof and making sure it’s intact and healthy can save you a lot of grief and money in the long term.

You can inspect the roof by keeping these in mind:
Ask the Homeowner
Ask the homeowner about how old the roof is. If it’s fairly new, there’s probably nothing to worry about, but ask them also about whether the area recently received heavy rains or snow or if a strong storm occurred.
Most common roofing materials need a thorough inspection. There are materials, however, that are stronger than others, such as composite shingles, metal and tile.
Look Closely
You can stand at a distance from the home and look at the roof. There shouldn’t be any sign of mold, and the roof should be flat. No shingles should be missing, curled or broken, and the color should be consistent all throughout the system. Check the gutters for cracks, holes and rust as well. You want a home that belongs to a homeowner that puts a premium on roof maintenance.
Check the Ventilation
An overheated attic is detrimental to the health of a roof, even if it’s never exposed to extreme weather conditions. The ventilation system should receive sun and air so no mold can grow, and the hot air is expelled and replaced by cooler air.
If the roof doesn’t receive enough ventilation, the shingles are baked from underneath, compromising their integrity and shortening their lifespan.
Check the Walls and Ceilings
A leaky roof is highly likely to cause stains to form on walls or ceilings. If there are marks on the walls or ceilings, the roof has been damaged for a while. This usually leads to roof repair or replacement. You don’t want to face such things as soon as you buy your new home.
Get in touch with Roof Masters if you need new windows, a roofing replacement or roof maintenance. Call us today at (301) 230-7663, or fill out this form to let us know about the services you need. We’re ready to help homeowners in Montgomery County, MD.