Winter weather can be tough to handle. Aside from a few feet of snow building up on and around your home, you might also find that your roof starts leaking. When this happens, you must call your local roofing company to determine the source and address the issue head-on. They may likely diagnose the leak to be caused by any of the following:

1. Attic Condensation
A thorough inspection of the attic may reveal frost forming on the roof decking and wooden support frames. It only indicates that the entire area is poorly insulated and ventilated. Attic frost accumulates when warm, moist air meets the ice-cold roof components. Once outside temperatures rise above freezing, the frost melts and starts leaking indoors. It might give you the impression that you have a leaking roof, but in reality, the real problem is condensation.
2. Exhaust Vent Condensation
This issue is similar to frost-related leaks. This time, the accumulation of frost happens inside the exhaust vent. Expert roofers only have to check the previous weather forecasts to pinpoint the exact problem. If the extreme cold was experienced over a few days and was then followed by a thaw or a rise in outside temperatures, their initial diagnosis would be condensation and not a roof leak. Of course, a thorough inspection can help confirm it.
3. Ice Dams
Ice dams are usually to blame for roof leaks during winter weather. Poor insulation and inadequate ventilation cause condensation whenever attic temperatures rise. Snow buildup on the roof melts and refreezes at the roof edges and gutters. The remaining melted snow backs up and penetrates the shingles, causing leaks. As soon as you see icicles forming along the gutters, it’s time to get in touch with your roofing contractor.
Count on the trusted roofers of Roof Masters to keep your investment in top shape this winter and beyond. To learn more about our roof repair and maintenance services, call (301) 230-7663. You may also fill out our contact form to request an estimate. We serve homeowners in Rockville, MD, and other nearby areas.