3 Ways to Effectively Reduce the Risk of Fire on Your Roof

Fires are one of the most devastating forces that Mother Nature can throw at us and is what many homeowners fear the most. While we understand that a fire is completely unpredictable, there are some ways that can help prevent roof fires or minimize their damage should they occur. 

1. Use the Right Materials

One very important thing that you need to remember when you are installing a new roof is that not all roofing materials are created equal. When it comes to fire ratings, your roofing materials can either be unrated or belong to one of three categories. Class A roofing materials offer the best fire resistance, followed by Class B and then Class C. Even if you have a tight budget, you should try your best to avoid using unrated materials for your roof. It will help you sleep better at night.

2. Keep Your Roof Free From Debris

A roof piled high with leaves and other organic material is more than just an eyesore. You may think it’s harmless, but if you don’t clean your roof regularly, you run the risk of your roofing materials catching on fire when the debris is exposed to extreme temperatures for an extended period of time. 

3. Inspect Electrical Wiring

Faulty electrical wiring is the leading cause of roof fires. The number of cases of roof and attic fires is much higher during winter months where there is an increased use of heating appliances. For this reason, it is recommended that you have your wiring inspected by a professional every five years. 

If you are looking for a skilled and trustworthy roofing company that services residents in Rockville, MD, and its surrounding areas, then look no further than Roof Masters. Give us a call at (301) 230-7663, or fill out our online contact form to schedule your free consultation today.