How to Prevent Winter Roofing Damage

Snow and ice can cause significant damage to roofs during the winter months, which makes it important for homeowners to take preventative measures against winter roof damage. In this blog post, the local roofers at Roof Masters discuss what causes winter roofing damage and how it can be prevented.

Causes of Winter Roofing Damage

Winter roofing damage is usually caused by ice dams, which are formed from melting snow that refreezes at the roof edge. Over time, it can lead to water infiltration through the roof edge and other vulnerable parts of the roof. Humidity in the attic can form condensation as it hits cooler surfaces within, such as the underside of the roof deck. When this happens, the moisture can infiltrate other parts of the roof and cause rotting, mold and mildew growth, and damage to insulation.

How to Prevent Winter Roofing Damage

As a homeowner, you’re not expected to fix your own roofing. However, there are things that you can do that can help prevent damage to your roof this season. 

In addition to helping you with these preventative steps, a roofing company like Roof Masters can also help you fix your damaged roof in any season. Our team of experienced professionals can help you with all your roofing needs. We offer free estimates on all our services, so don’t hesitate to send us a message or give us a call at (301) 230-7663 today.