When planning to remodel your home’s exterior, there are a few things you need to consider, such as finding the right material and who to hire for the job. There are also other things you should avoid doing so you won’t waste your time and money.

Oversized Transoms
A transom window should be proportional to the front door above which it sits. The oversize transom design was popular at the height of the housing bubble, but it has since become a look that’s dated. If you happen to have an oversized transom, we suggest having it rectified by adding a portico that cuts through your entryway.
Mismatched Colors and Patterns
Having a myriad of colors, patterns and textures on your home isn’t ideal at all as it only makes it look like it was designed poorly. The front of your house shouldn’t be treated like a children’s coloring book where each wall has a different color, pattern or cladding. In fact, having more than two or three types on exterior surfaces makes your home look busy and chaotic. We suggest choosing two or maybe three colors and patterns that compliment your home’s overall architecture.
Unnecessary Dormers
Dormers, which are windows projecting from a roof, typically look good for breaking up a roofline. But choosing to have oversized dormers can make the upper part of your home seem bulky and undersized. Erratically placed “afterthought” dormers can also make a front façade seem unbalanced and poorly designed. You need to keep in mind that windows on dormers should take up about three-quarters of the dormer’s face.
With Roof Masters, you can be confident that your roofing and siding project is in the capable hands of the best company in the area. You can reach us by calling (813) 542-8462 or by filling out our convenient online contact form. We serve Rockville and surrounding areas, so talk to us today!