A leaky roof can seem like a minor nuisance, but it has the potential to cause a cascade of problems that could affect the integrity of your home and the safety of your family. It’s essential to address even the smallest leaks promptly to avoid significant damage. Below we’ll explore a range of issues caused by leaky roofs, many of which are concerns that Roof Masters encounters and resolves for… Continue Reading
Roof Wreckers: 5 Debris Types to Watch out For
Your roof shields you and your loved ones from the elements. It’s a vital part of your home, so keeping it in top condition should be a priority. However, various types of debris can seriously threaten your roof’s integrity. As a window replacement and roof installation expert, we’ll help you understand these threats and guide you in taking the first step toward preserving the lifespan and functionality of your roof.
Key Features of a Well-Installed Asphalt Shingle Roof
Whether you have a new asphalt shingle roofing system installed or have an existing one that’s continuing to protect your home from the local weather, it pays to know for sure if it’s been correctly installed. Read on as Roof Masters takes a look at the key features of a well-installed asphalt shingle roof.
Why You Should Not Delay Roof Replacement
Your roof keeps you safe, dry and comfortable through the harshest of weather conditions. But what if that stalwart protector becomes a ticking time bomb because of delayed replacement? This blog post from the local roofers at Roof Masters explores the risks and consequences of delaying a necessary roof replacement and how you can avoid them.
Ensuring Your Roofing Warranty Has You Full Covered
Your roof is more than just a complex structure; it’s an immense investment, which is why it is important that the warranty that comes with it is in place. To ensure it has you fully covered, you’ll want to take a few important steps. Trusted roofing company Roof Masters share some of them below.
Extending Your Roof’s Service Life: Tips and Tricks
A well-built roofing system can be reassuring since you’re confident that your family is kept safe and secure indoors. But quality materials and workmanship aren’t enough to protect your home from inclement weather conditions and outdoor elements. It still needs regular maintenance to stay effective and in good condition. It should also be done by professional roofers since they have the training and experience to identify and address even the… Continue Reading
The Biggest Factors That Affect Your Roof’s Wind Resistance
A well-built asphalt shingle roofing system is designed to withstand the elements, including wind. But like most home exterior components, its resistance to this particular natural force is dependent on several factors. The trusted local roofers at Roof Masters explain what these are below.
Roofing Ventilation: How It Works and Why It Is Important
Ventilation plays a key role in keeping your roofing system in top shape and preventing issues that may compromise its structural integrity and weather performance. Today, your roofing experts discuss how it works and why it is an important component of your roof.
Why Nailing a New Roof Over an Old One Is Problematic
A roof replacement is an immense undertaking that requires time, effort and money. That said, some homeowners look for other ways to keep the project costs low. For example they choose to have the new roof installed over the old one. This move, unfortunately, almost always leads to disastrous results.
Our 4 Excellent Residential Roofing Options
Replacing your roof allows you to update your home’s exterior and add value to your property. While the framing, preparation and installation are important, the material you choose for your replacement will significantly affect these two factors. Roof Masters, the top roofing company, discusses the features of our four residential options to help you choose the right one for your home: