Your roof shields you and your loved ones from the elements. It’s a vital part of your home, so keeping it in top condition should be a priority. However, various types of debris can seriously threaten your roof’s integrity. As a window replacement and roof installation expert, we’ll help you understand these threats and guide you in taking the first step toward preserving the lifespan and functionality of your roof.
The Biggest Factors That Affect Your Roof’s Wind Resistance
A well-built asphalt shingle roofing system is designed to withstand the elements, including wind. But like most home exterior components, its resistance to this particular natural force is dependent on several factors. The trusted local roofers at Roof Masters explain what these are below.
5 Signs It’s Time to Install a New Roof
Old roofs are vulnerable to various types of damage, so it’s common to see some warning signs that will tell you it’s time to replace it. Here are five signs you should schedule a roof replacement soon.
How Attic Insulation Keeps Your Roof Healthy
Attic insulation is a thermally insulated cladding procedure that uses phenolic foam, polyurethane foam, glass or rock wool. Its primary function is to reduce the amount of heat being transferred in and out of the roof, achieving thermal comfort for the residents.
Why Delaying Roof Replacement Is Not Recommended
Roofs are built to stand up against constant exposure to the elements and provide your home with a high level of protection. However, they can still develop issues and eventually require replacement. Delaying roof replacement puts your home at risk, so make sure to do it as soon as roofers recommend it.
How Your Roof Helps You Save on Your Energy Bills
You might not think about your roofing system often, but it plays an important role in keeping your home energy-efficient. In particular, it helps cut down on your monthly energy bills and maintain comfortable indoor temperatures.
What Are the Damaging Effects of Moisture on Your Roof?
Several parts of your home can suffer damage due to excess moisture, including your roof. When left unaddressed, it can lead to serious problems and costly repairs. To protect your roof from the detrimental effects of water buildup, invest in regular roofing maintenance, and don’t delay repairs when necessary.
Roofing Ventilation: How It Works and Why It Is Important
Ventilation plays a key role in keeping your roofing system in top shape and preventing issues that may compromise its structural integrity and weather performance. Today, your roofing experts discuss how it works and why it is an important component of your roof.
Why Do Asphalt Shingles Offer Great Value for Your Money?
Being the most important part of your home, your roofing system must also be protected against elements as it does the same for your interiors as a whole. This makes asphalt shingles highly essential. To convince you to invest in your roof, here are reasons why asphalt shingles are worth the purchase.
Dealing With Thermal Bridging in Your Home
Your home’s roofing system, siding, windows, doors, walls, insulation and other components make up its thermal envelope. This has to do with the energy efficiency of the building. The more effective the components are at preventing air leaks, the more complete and efficient the thermal envelope is. A common problem among many homes is thermal bridging. This is also known either as a cold bridge or as a heat bridge…. Continue Reading