Depending on the material and quality of installation, your siding can last for more than 20 years. This is great news as siding can be a significant home improvement investment. However, with so much time in between replacements, homeowners can also take their siding for granted.
Vinyl Siding Maintenance: Do’s and Don’ts
Vinyl is a popular siding material primarily due to its ease of maintenance, making it resistant to termites and rot. It’s also very versatile and durable, and costs less compared to other siding materials, such as wood. However, just because this siding is easy to maintain, this doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you please. Just like any siding material, it can attract dirt, debris or even mold.
Benefits of Installing Vinyl Siding in Your Home
Vinyl is one of today’s most popular siding materials in the U.S. Many homeowners are choosing this material due to its long list of benefits. It’s not only beautiful, but also strong and durable.
Why You Should Hire a Local Siding Contractor
A siding replacement or repair project is a significant investment. With that in mind, you’ll want the right person to get the job done. However, when it comes to hiring a contractor, you can choose between two options: hire a local contractor or a national company. While hiring a national company may sound like a good idea, experts actually recommend that you hire local instead.
5 Things to Keep in Mind While Inspecting Siding for Damage
Your home’s siding works hard to protect your property not just from harsh weather, but other external threats. It’s only natural then for siding to wear out over time, becoming damaged, especially after severe weather hits your area. Want to make sure your siding is in top shape at all times? Here are some tips you can keep in mind while inspecting your siding for damage:
Projects to Boost Your Home’s Beauty and Energy Efficiency
Winter’s freezing temperatures bring a new set of problems for your home, especially when it comes to comfort and efficiency. Fortunately, with a few simple upgrades, you can help protect your home from these issues. Roof Masters, the leading siding contractor, shares some projects you can focus on: