Dealing with Leaks Till Your Washington, DC Roofing Contractors Arrive

Watching your roof leak during inclement weather is one of the most distressing things you can experience. This article from Yahoo! Voices suggests one quick fix to stop the dripping water:

Get into the Attic

From within the attic, locate the source of the leak and apply a temporary, emergency patch of prepared leak stopper. Available at the hardware store, a leak stopper may come in a can for applying with a putty knife or in a tube to apply with a putty gun. Keep in mind, this is a temporary fix to stop the water. Whatever caused the leak from the rooftop is still there and will need to be repaired.

If you cannot get a leak stopper product, then hammer a nail from inside the attic through the roof at the source of the leak to identify the leak’s location…

Aside from this tip, here are other things you can do until Washington, DC roofing contractors, like Roof Masters, arrive to do repairs:

Cover Up

To prevent water from damaging your possessions, cover your furniture and upholstery with plastic sheeting. Water and electronics don’t mix, so move your appliances to the basement or a more watertight room just to be safe. To avoid electrocution, turn off your main power line before touching electronics.

Mind Your Ceiling

The pooled water behind your ceiling can cause the finish to bulge or, worse, cause the ceiling to collapse. Prevent this by drilling a small hole to relieve the pressure and allow the water to flow freely. Place a bucket under the hole to collect the dripping water.

Buy a Big Temporary Cover

The weight of fallen tree branches or snow can cause parts of your roof to cave in. When the weather clears up, purchase a large woven plastic tarp from the hardware store. Secure both ends with a 1×3 wood strip and cover the damaged area with it. Don’t forget to screw the wood strips in place.

Get Professional Help

After doing these preliminary repairs, hand over the situation to trusted roofing companies in Maryland or the D.C. area, like Roof Masters,. Do not attempt to perform extensive repairs yourself, as you’re likely to slip and injure yourself while on top of a wet or snow-covered roof.

(Article Excerpt and Image from Leaking Roof: What You Can Do When the Roof is Leaking, Yahoo! Voices, November 30, 2009)